Utrecht | Edinburgh | Wiesbaden | Orléans | Bern | Copenhagen
5th European Meeting on 3D Geological Modelling
The role of 3D geology in spatial planning
Kursaal Congress Center & Hotel, Bern, Switzerland. May 21st to 24th 2019
Host: The Swiss Geological Survey (Swisstopo)
- Welcome Address: Roland Baumberger, Federal Office of Topography [swisstopo](PDF)
Country overviews & highlights
(alphabetical by country name)
- US Geological Survey: John Brock (PDF)
- GST: Paul Gabriel (PDF)
- UK — BGS: Katie Whitbread (PDF)
- Switzerland — swisstopo: Robin Allenbach (PDF)
- Sweden — SGU: Lars Kristian Stölen (PDF)
- Poland — PGI: Ewa Szynkaruk (PDF)
- Netherlands — TNO: (PDF)
- Italy — ISPRA: Chiara D'Ambrogi (PDF)
- Germany — LfU/Kf3D: Gerold Diepolder (PDF)
- Germany — BGR: Stephan Steuer (PDF)
- France — BRGM: Martelet, G (PDF)
- Finland — GTK: Jussi Ahonen (PDF)
- Denmark — GEUS: Sandersen, P B E (PDF)
- Czech — Czech Geological Survey, Jan Franĕk (PDF)
- Northern Belgium — VITO: Tom Van Haren (PDF)
- Austria — Geological Survey of Austria: Clemens Porpaczy (PDF)
Day 1 Wednesday 22nd May 2019
Day 2 Thursday 23rd May 2019
Advances research software development
Data dissemination infrastructure management
3D Geology Modelling Benefit Society Morning
- Extending the Geotop Voxel Model to the South–Eastern Netherlands: Jan Stafleu, Jan Hummelman, Renée de Bruijn, et al. (PDF)
- Some cross–border 3D geomodelling issues in the Netherlands and surrounding countries: Hans Doornenbal, TNO (PDF)
- 3D geological modellingin a seismic country: where are we now?: Chiara D’Ambrogi, ISPRA (PDF)
- 3D model of a geothermal reservoir in fractured crystalline rock: Sascha Görne, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (PDF)
- Shaky grounds - Building a 3D model for the new Earthquake Hazard Map of Germany: Stephan Steuer, Volker Lorenz, and Thomas Spies, BGR (PDF)
- Realising the benefits of 3D: Evolving demands for digital geoscience in the UK: Dr Katie Whitbread, Holger Kessler, and Helen Fallas, BGS (PDF)
- Applied Multidimensional Geological Modelling: Enabling the Sustainable Use of the Shallow Subsurface: Turner, A K, Kessler, H, and van der Meulen, M (PDF)
3D Geololgy Modelling Benefits Society Afternoon
- Ordas: (txt)
- Geological tunnel–mapping using photogrammetry: Mont Terri rock laboratory, St–Ursanne, Switzerland (PDF)
- Developing a geo-observatory and 3D geological model to support subsurface heat recovery and storage: Patton, A, Farr, M, Boon, G J, et al. BGS (PDF)
- St. Gallen / GeoMol3D models: Bastien Delacou, Swisstopo (PDF)
- Geological Survey of Finland: Steps from seamless mapping towards a National Geological 3D–framework: Eeva–Liisa Laine, Heidi Laxström, and Jussi Ahonen, GTK (PDF)
- 3D model of Mecklenburg–Western Pomerania–challenges and benefit: Karsten Obst, Juliane Brandes, Sabine Matting, et al. Landesamt für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Geologie (PDF)
- Preliminary results on 3D geologic map of Slovakia: Ladislav, Vizi, Marián, Zlocha, Balász, Kronome, et al. (PDF)
Day 3 Friday 24th May 2019
Building Information Modelling (BIM)
5th Dimension Model Certainty Reliability
Bern, Switzerland | Gallery
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