Contributions to the 6th European meeting on 3D Geological Modelling Copenhagen, Denmark. May 2023.
Host: The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

All abstracts pdf May 2023 | 1.03MB | .pdf
Country updates zip May 2023 | 344MB | .zip
Conference Proceedings and Administration zip May 2023 | 121MB | .zip
Poster abstracts
- 2D/3D cartographic display of data in Slovakia - Robert Cibula (pdf)
- 3D modelling of Eocene cly deposits near Friedland, NE Germany - K Obst (pdf)
- Case study at a model site "Green economy park" in Bremerhaven, Germany "Luneplate": High-resolution 3D subsurface models in flow modeling with focus on climate resilience" - Katherine Seiter (pdf)
- Current status of geoframework datasets and 3D databases at the Kentucky Geological Survey - William Andrews (pdf)
- Customization and implementation of a 3D data model viewer for dissemination, distribution, and reutilization of geological models at the Geological Survey of Catalonia (ICGC): use cases for geothermal energy - Ignasi Herms (pdf)
- Geological modelling of the near-surface in support of underground urban planning. Geological Survey of Sweden - Eva Wendelin (pdf)
- Loop: Probabilistic three dimensional geological modeling - Lachlan Grose (pdf)
- Modelling the base of Quaternary deposits in Northwest Germany - Cornelia Wangenheim (pdf)
- Open publication of the voxel model of the shallow subsurface of Antwerp for a sustainable development of the urban area - Katrien De Nil (pdf)
- Systematic modelling of the Jura fold-and-thrust belt (Switzerland): Aims, Methodology and current state of implementation - Eva Kurmann (pdf)
- The urgent need for better mapping, coordination and management of the shallow urban subsurface - Holger Kessler (pdf)
- Towards National Scale 3D Geological Modelling using an Implicit Deep Learning Method - Michael Hillier (pdf)
- Up-to-date, high-quality, policy-relevant subsurface geoscientific information can be fair? - Chiara D'Ambrogi (pdf)
Session 1 – Geomodelling of the near surface – towards a sustainable society
- Geological 3D modelling urban areas - Emilia Kosonen (pdf)
- UK urban subsurface research - Ricky Terrington (pdf)
- Near surface 3D modelling in urban areas - Rouwen Lehné (pdf)
- Antwerp's Shallow Subsurface Unlocking Its Potential for a Sustainable Future through Detailed Geological Study and Voxel Modeling - Tom Van Haren (pdf)
- Norway's potential in REE - Claudia Haase (pdf)
- Application of Random Forest Machine Learning for Regional 3D Hydrostratigraphic Modeling - Jesse Korus (pdf)
- Topsoil Groundwater salinization and management within climate change - Nico Deus (pdf)
- Modelling fast and slow - Jan Stafleu (pdf)
- H3O the legacy of a decade of cross border 3Dgeological modelling - Jan Walstra (pdf)
Session 2 Sustainability – Green Transition
- Mid-depth basin model for sustainable subsurface use: 500+ m thick salt. Legacy oil and gas. Hot-dry rock and geothermal resources in porous media all in one place - A case study from NW Poland - Ewa Szynkaruk (pdf)
- SEEMS DEEP geophysics based 3D geomodeling for mineral exploration - Suvi Heinonen (pdf)
- Making the Dutch 3D geomodels suitable for the energy transition - Johan Ten Veen (pdf)
- Construction of a provincial scale 3D geological model of the western canadian sedimentary basin in Saskatchewan Canada - Karine Bédard (pdf)
Session 3 - Model dissemination and data management
- 3D models as a bridge between science and policy - Abigail K Burt (pdf)
- GEUS 3D database present stage and what did we learn - Marianne B Wiese (pdf)
- 3D visualisation of groundwater quality and groundwater quality contributes to sustainable planning and protection of groundwater - Mariëlle van Vliet (pdf)
- Obtaining a social license for groundwater abstraction at Kurikka aquifer Finland using a community accessible hydrogeological data and software platform - Niko Putkinen (pdf)
- Heading towards integration of 3D data for municipalities geocim trial for Liberec city - Zita Bukovska (pdf)
Session 4 - Advances in research, trends and innovation in honour of Keith Turner
Keith Turner memorial presentation zip May 2023 | 149MB | .zip
- The importance of memory and listening to stories - Holger Kessler (pdf)
- From field data to 3D model of deep underground environment for future Deep Geological Repository - Ondřej Švagera (pdf)
- Uncertainty assessment of existing 3D geological models - Ingelise Mǿeller (pdf)
- Building on 50 years of geomodelling walking a tightrope between tradition and clean slate - Nicolas Clausolles (pdf)
- Structural modeling with geocognitive processes - Imadeddine Laoici (pdf)
- Making geoscience data and information more accessible in urban environments - Steve Thorpe (pdf)
- Advanced 3D geological modelling at SGU A virtual fly by of key mineral deposits in Sweden - Stefan Luth (pdf)
Software demonstrations
- Software Demonstrations Agenda (pptx)
- IGIS - GeoScene and GeoCloud (pptx)
- 3D geomodels using the RESQML v2.2 format (pptx)
- Mira Geoscience (pptx)
- Visual Karsy (mp4)
- GiGa Infosystems (pptx)
- Seequent 3D (pptx)
- Terranigma (pptx)
- GeoAtlas (pptx)
- SLB energy transition projects (pptx)